Queen Margrethe could, technically, resume control of the royal reins even after her abdication. The Danish Court has announced that Her Majesty will be able to act as regent in place of the soon to be Frederik X after she gives up the throne.
Regencies happen fairly frequently in Denmark with nominated royals stepping in for the monarch if they are abroad, on holiday or unable to carry out their functions through ill health.
It’s been confirmed that Margrethe II will be one of those eligible to be regent following her abdication.
The soon to be Crown Prince Christian, elder son of Frederik, will also be able to act as regent for the new king. The power can also fall to Frederik’s wife, Mary, and his brother, Joachim, as well as his mother’s sister, Princess Benedikte.
It means that Margrethe could, once more, be head of state, briefly, of the country she has reigned over for 52 years.
The announcement came just days before the Queen of Denmark abdicates. It was made as she carried out her final public engagement when she received new ambassadors, a vital function of any head of state.
The abdication of Margrethe II takes place on January 14th 2024 at a Council of State at Christiansborg Palace in Copenhagen which will start at 2pm. The reign of the new king, Frederik X, will begin the moment that the Queen of Denmark signs the Declaration of Abdication. The formal proclamation will take place at 3pm.