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British RoyalsPrince & Princess of Wales

The Duke of Cambridge attends the State Opening of Parliament for the first time

The Duke of Cambridge has attended the State Opening of Parliament for the first time, stepping in as a Counsellor of State to open the new session of Parliament with his father on behalf of The Queen.

William, as second-in-line to the throne, can act on behalf of his grandmother in such matters due to his role as a Counsellor of State.

William joined Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall for the official opening of the new parliamentary session, seated to his father’s right as he read The Queen’s Speech from the consort’s throne. Though his father was dressed in the military uniform of the Admiral of the Fleet, William wore a simple morning suit.

Though William is an Aide-de-Camp to The Queen and frequently conducts investitures on her behalf, this is the first time he has attended this particular state function, which, in recent years, has only been attended by The Queen, Prince Charles and Camilla.

The Queen’s absence marked the first time in 59 years that she has not attended the State Opening of Parliament—she’d previously missed it twice due to pregnancy—and the first time The Queen’s Speech had been read by a Counsellor of State. In 1963, the last time The Queen missed the State Opening of Parliament, her speech was read by the Lord Chancellor.

The Queen confirmed on the afternoon of May 9th 2022 that she would not be able to attend the State Opening of Parliament, releasing a statement through Buckingham Palace that read: “The Queen continues to experience episodic mobility problems, and in consultation with her doctors has reluctantly decided that she will not attend the State Opening of Parliament.

“At Her Majesty’s request, and with the agreement of the relevant authorities, The Prince of Wales will read The Queen’s speech on Her Majesty’s behalf, with The Duke of Cambridge also in attendance.”

The Queen was required to issue Letters Patent to give Prince Charles and William the authority to open the new parliamentary session.

A Counsellor of State can act on the Sovereign’s behalf and the role is limited to the first four adults in line to the throne, which are currently Prince Charles, William, Prince Harry and Prince Andrew, with the latter two not currently working royals.

The Queen reportedly watched the State Opening of Parliament from Windsor Castle, and with her ‘episodic mobility problems’, confirmation of her attendance at Platinum Jubilee events will only be given on the day they take place.

About author

Jess Ilse is the Assistant Editor at Royal Central. She specialises in the British, Danish, Norwegian and Swedish Royal Families and has been following royalty since Queen Elizabeth II’s Golden Jubilee. Jess has provided commentary for media outlets in Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia. Jess works in communications and her debut novel THE MAJESTIC SISTERS will publish in Fall 2024.