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Queen Elizabeth II

The Queen takes in The Windsor Cup

It’s been a busy week as The Queen has taken on six royal engagements. Wearing a vibrant pink outfit, Her Majesty took to the Royal Windsor Cup on Sunday.

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Off of an ever-present schedule at Royal Ascot, it seemed that Her Majesty was not tired from the week’s events. Traditionally, Her Majesty hands out the trophy at the end of the polo tournament. With Saturday being the final day of the Royal Ascot, The Queen was in attendance as usual on Sunday for the Royal Windsor Cup at Guards Polo Club, Windsor Great Park.

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The Queen has, in the past, attended alongside her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh (who is the Guards Polo Club’s President); however, the Duke has retired from public duties, so Her Majesty attended solo to present the trophy at the end of the polo match and pose for a group photo.

There was one small hitch to the day when a spectator’s scarf was caught by the wind and hit The Queen in the face. It didn’t bother Her Majesty who continued to smile and greet those in attendance.

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During this past week, Prince Charles, the Duchess of Cornwall, and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge all attended Ascot alongside Her Majesty. Earlier in the week, the Royal Family was joined by the King and Queen of the Netherlands, Willem-Alexander and Máxima.

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Princess Eugenie was a frequent visitor throughout the week and made an appearance with her sister, Princess Beatrice on the first day of the Royal Ascot. Sarah, Duchess of York, the Duke of York, the Princess Royal, Earl and Countess of Wessex were among the other members of the Royal Family attended various days of the week-long event.

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The Duke and Duchess of Sussex were absent from this year’s affair, but with good reason as the two were at home with their newly born son, Archie Harrison.

Her Majesty began attending the Ascot once she took the throne in 1952.  Every year, other members of the Royal Family attend the Ascot and present trophies to the winners of the races. This year’s event saw over 300,000 in attendance.

About author

My name is Sydney Zatz and I am a University of Iowa graduate. I graduated with a degree in journalism and sports studies, and a minor in sport and recreation management. A highlight of my college career was getting the chance to study abroad in London and experiencing royal history firsthand. I have a passion for royals, royal history, and journalism, which led me to want to write for Royal Central.