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Royal News

Prince William and Prince George’s big football day out

Prince William and Prince George made a high profile appearance at Wembley Stadium for the final the FA Cup. 

The father-son duo arrived at London’s famous arena on 25th May for the showpiece event of the football season. 

Before the starting whistle, Prince William went on the pitch, among cheers from the crowds, and shook hands with players and managers. 

After a nail-biting game, it was Manchester United who came out on top, with a 2-1 victory against Manchester City. 

Throughout the whole match, the two princes exchanged opinions and comments, as evidenced by the many pictures taken of the two of them talking and laughing.

The Prince of Wales then presented the FA Cup to Manchester United captain Bruno Fernandes, as the team spread out right underneath the Royal Box in order to celebrate their victory. 

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Players from both teams shook hands with both Prince William and Prince George as they received their medals as winners and runner ups respectively, with Prince George seeming particularly smiley as he shook Manchester City’s coach Pep Guardiola’s hand. 

Prince William has been President of the Football Association (FA) since 2006.

Although he has been present for several matches of this season, especially ones seeing the participation of his favourite team Aston Villa, his presence at Wembley Stadium came as Buckingham Palace announced that the Royal Family would pull back from any engagements that could distract the people’s attention from the General Election that has been called for the 4th July 2024.