<![CDATA[Romania's Prime Minister Victor Ponta has pledged to hold a referendum on the country's form of government, should he be elected President.
Ponta is running for the position of President, an apolitical role within the government, like that of Germany.
The PMÂ has said on TV recently: ‘I believe, in the coming years, that in Romania we should have not only a public debate, but we should also make a decision, through a referendum, on the form of government.’
Monarchy has seen an upsurge in popularity in the country, whose Royal Family, The House of Romania, hasn’t ruled the country since 1947. King Michael, the current King without a throne, is a descendent of Queen Victoria, and a third cousin of our Queen, Elizabeth II. He was only allowed back into the country of his birth in 1997.
Michael, now 93, is also descendent of the now defunct house of Hohenzollern (his House’s former name was Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen), the German family who ruled Prussia until the mid-19th century. He said he would return to the throne if his people wanted him to, and it seems they might.
A republic still seems to be the favoured form of governance in the country, but a poll earlier this year showed 45% of Romanian’s have a ‘very good’ opinion of King Michael. A similar poll in 2013 showed that 30% of people would vote for the return of a monarchical government, showing steady growth in support of Monarchy.
‘We should have such a referendum on the government form sometime during my mandate, maybe even by 2016,’ Ponta added. He even said he would resign should Romanians vote in favour of Monarchy.
We at Royal Central are of course delighted to hear this news, with the prospect of another Monarchy within Europe, to further showcase the advantages and benefits of Monarchical government. This would certainly put a sour taste in the mouths of British Republicans, who would have trouble explaining why people wished to revert to Monarchical government, with all their accusations and false claims about Monarchy.
We will keep you updated, should there be any developments!
photo credit: emanuelstoica1 via photopin cc]]>
It would be nice to see the Monarchy return to Romania.
LOL – this is just another lie. Everyone knows that Mr. Ponta is a liar, he
is the leader of PSD, the anti-monarchist party in Romania
What make you so sure about that ? Not “everyone” share your opinion about Ponta. But you don’t have to believe me, just wait for the elections results. Needless to mention that Basescu call HM King Michael ” a traitor who sold Romania to russians”. The most pro republican anti monarchy rhetoric comes from the romanian “right wing” political spectrum.
When a monach falls a star is removed from the sky and the world becomes a darker place
It’s too bad we can’t have a monarchy in the United States, we ought to join the Commonwealth and have The Queen be our Head of State, our President can be a Prime Minister instead. Our current system sucks.
Our current system is fantastic. We simply need stringent term limits. Tired of seeing politicians in office longer than I’ve been alive simply because the ignorant masses blindly vote instead of educating themselves.
I agree. Our system, as it was designed, is fantastic! What we need to make our system cleaner and more efficient is for religion and corporations to have no voice or influence. Both institutions have caused the government to become like a sluggish drain filled with needless muck, out of greed, arrogance and willful ignorance. We need to have a stringent agreement that no laws will be made based on superstitions. Facts only.
Business and faith are central components of any nation. They deserve just as much say as anyone and anything else. They always have been, they always will be.
Not so. Our Founding Fathers stated very clearly that the United States was in no way a Christian nation and that religion had no place in government.
“The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.”
– Winston Churchill
“Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.” – Winston Churchill
Join the common wealth where wealth is uncommon. Once upon a time there was a queen of Hawaii then the americans put her in prision and stole her islands maybe best to restore the monarchy of hawaii before talking to ELIZABETH
God Bless King Mihai I. He is a good man. His daughter Margarita would make a fine Queen and his grandson Prince Nicolae has done many good works in Romania. Restoring the monarchy would be a small way of righting the wrongs of the past and putting communism behind Romania once and for all.
You’re so wright 😀 It will happened very soon.I and all the monarchist in this country are fed with waiting and we’ll take it in our hands (legally,of course).
Just the possibility of asking the Romaninan People makes me happy! After so MANY years of misery, the Country could continue with his natural roots which were cut away in 1947. The Royal House of Romania had done a perfect Job in the last years. People start to understand…..
Victor Ponta is a traitor of our country and anti monarchist party, he promised 1 million jobs, but he create over 100 000 places of unemployment, stopped investing, decreased wages, cut all infrastructure projects, reduced health budget, he doesn’t care about children’s education (allowance for kids is about £8/month; not talking about the miserable conditions from schools), struggling to hold monopoly of National Anticorupption Directorate and other undemocratic & corupttions things he made daily.
Our romanians only hope is is the monarchy that we want and we hope soon to have it and things in country return to normal. God save our royalty!
John i would like Romania returned to croatia , and no romanian monarchs , how can you have a monarchy if you dont even have a country ??? Romania is not a proper nation so how can you have monarchy ???how can you have a vison of greater romania ??? you dont see it wrong killing to take someone elses country??? depends how you were brought up
I would vote for that.
The Constitution is nothing if more then half of the country will want our king back. All that remains now is too see if we must do it silent and peacefull or by riots. If Ponta will be elected and he will not do that referendum , i can bet it will be riots.
Our politicians are so corrupt that only by going back to our roots as monarchy we will clean it.
There is only one mistake in your statement.WE DON’T NEED A REFERENDUM.
The “abdication” was FORCED and NEVER APPROVED by the parliment (wich,loving,obbeying and respecting the king would have never done it) so it is,in conclusion,ILLEGAL.
Thus,WE DON’T NEED A REFERENDUM,just an acknowleadgement of the justice that according to that and (every other) constituion on earth,IT WAS FORCED,UN APROVED,A “PUPPET” GOVERNMENT,THUS ILLEGAL AND NULL.
From that moment the MONARCHY will be OFFICIALLY RE-ACTIVATED (i say re-activated as it never went nowhere,only put on hold or “pause”.
1 year later and from this comment with a weak president, 25 years later from our “revolution” , 68 years from the forced abdication and still nothing happed. It makes me sad that not even what our revolutionars wanted , we never got back : freedom.
Monarchy it’s not the best way to keep the corrupt people out of politics (see the mess of UK) but a regime change it’s what gives us at least few years of clean government because finally a moral person (the King) has the power to rebuild from scratch .
This was nothing but a cheap lie from Mr. Ponta, to serve his own agenda. Eitherway he lost the election.
Personally, I feel the West should return to a monarchy form of government. With monarchy at least every once and awhile you get a good one.
Democracy is just communism by another name. All the same violations of property and civil rights results. The Monarch should be the protectors of the people’s rights. I fully support the Romanian royal family.