Tessy Antony, Princess of Luxembourg hosted, alongside her charitable organisation Professors Without Borders, a conference in London over the weekend on education and skills in the workforce. The two-day conference titled “Higher Education In the Age of Transformation” brought together panellists who discussed and examined “how the global education system can adapt in order to cater to the changing realities of the employment market.”
The two-day workshop, hosted in partnership with the Gulf Futures Center and Bridge the Gulf, began with Tessy delivering the opening remarks. The initial panel discussion of the day regarded skills for the 21st-century job market, but in particular, the importance of soft skills; Princess Tessy, Manish Singh, Sallyann Della Casa, Einthe Treanor, and Bernhard Dedenbach took part. At the conclusion of the meeting, Tessy said on Twitter, “What a vibrant and exciting conference! I am very proud!”
Alongside Her Royal Highness, Professor Carola Hieker, Sipim Sornbanlang, Anita Kouassigan, and Chandni Hirani took part in the second discussion on Generation Z with Tessy saying that she was “really excited to hear the panel discussion and learn about how I as a mother can approach my two boys [Prince Gabriel and Prince Noah] in the right language to enable them to thrive even more in the roles they are set to fulfil.”
After a successful day one, the second day kicked off with more panel discussions with the first focusing on education and entrepreneurship. The second and last meeting discussed building bridges in higher education with James Monckton, Mohammed Abdel Khaliq, Pansiri Phansuwan, Patrick Wheeler, and Wael Aburida as part of the panel.
The day ended with closing statements from Princess Tessy and one of her co-founders of Professors Without Borders, Dr Caroline Varin. The Princess stated, “We have talked about skills…the way we teach and the future between traditional and non-traditional skills-based training. We have explored these sections and contributing factors needed to be game-changers. I have personally learned a lot, and I have met incredible people. And I am sure, as we heard from you [panellists] and your promises…I am sure we will create beautiful new partnerships for Professors Without Borders, and I hope you feel the same way.”
She also made sure to thank the two sponsors of the workshop, the Gulf Futures Center and Bridge the Gulf, by saying, “Thank you so much. Without both of your organisations, we would not be sitting here today. Thank you so much.”
At the end of the conference, Tessy remarked on Twitter, “I could not be more energised, hopeful and engaged for the future of education and the future of my NGO [Professors Without Borders]. Thank you to all panellists and especially our sponsors.”
If you want to learn more, more information on Professors Without Borders can be found on their website.