Not the original State Visit that Theresa May had first suggested, but President Trump will be in the United Kingdom next week for a working visit.
No State Banquet will be awarded to the controversial politician, but instead, the president and First Lady will travel to Windsor to meet The Queen.
Trump will first arrive in the UK next Thursday in the early afternoon. A dinner that night will be hosted by Theresa May for the presidential couple at Blenheim Palace in which business leaders will celebrate a post-Brexit relationship between the countries.
He will not be visiting Downing Street.
Speaking to journalists, Woody Johnson, US ambassador to London said Trump was not trying to avoid protestors with his mostly out of London itinerary.
“The President is not avoiding anything,” he said.
“The President is merely trying to get as impactful a trip as he can get in a 24 hour period.”
He added that the Marine One helicopter would be used primarily to get around. “This is a short trip. It’s absolutely packed with things that he has to do. There’s a lot of organization planning that went into it.”
On Friday morning, Theresa May and Donald Trump will visit a defence site, hold talks and a news conference at Chequers, the Prime Minister’s official country retreat before heading to Windsor Castle.
After meeting The Queen, the president will travel to Scotland. He owns two golf courses there, Trump Aberdeen and Trump Turnberry. There was no confirmation that Trump will play his courses, but his history of taking golf breaks would lean towards at least one round.
Last month, The Telegraph also revealed that Trump plans to play a round of golf at his Turnberry estate with Prince Andrew.
Both Trump and Prince Andrew are known for their love of golf. The Telegraph reporting that the president uses it to “bond with other world leaders.”