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British RoyalsPrince & Princess of WalesQueen Elizabeth II

Inquiring children’s minds want to know, does The Queen eat pizza?

During a visit to community garden King Henry’s Garden Walk in Islington yesterday the Duchess of Cambridge rolled up her sleeves to help make pizza with a group of local primary school children in the garden’s outdoor kitchen.

As they all rolled out dough and slathered on tomato sauce, the Duchess chatted happily with the children saying “I think they’re one of the best things to make, pizzas, at home. It’s such fun” and asking about their favourite pizza toppings. She soon found herself stumped, however, when one little girl asked: “Does the Queen ever have pizza?” After pondering for a moment, the Duchess said, “You know, that is such a good question. I don’t know. I don’t know,” before adding, “Maybe next time I see her, should I ask?”

Avid royal watchers have long been inquisitive about Her Majesty’s eating habits, and it’s been revealed that she definitely has her favourite dishes and tends to stick to them. Former royal chef Darren McGrady once revealed in an interview that The Queen is “not a foodie” and said that she avoids starches and doesn’t like garlic, so it’s likely that pizza isn’t regularly on the menu at Buckingham Palace or Windsor Castle.

The younger generations of royals clearly don’t share Her Majesty’s preferences as Kate revealed that her two eldest children, Prince George and Princess Charlotte, enjoy pizza, telling the children she was making pizzas with that “they would love to do this with you. You know, they’ll be very sad that I’ve been out making pizza with all of you.”

When asked why they hadn’t joined their mother for the outing, the Duchess explained that it was because they were in school. She told the fellow pizza-makers what George has been studying of late saying that “he’s learning about space”.