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Ten years a king: Felipe VI marks anniversary of accession

Spain is celebrating the tenth anniversary of King Felipe’s accession to the country’s throne and the Royal Household has released new images to mark the occasion. 

Contrary to what is customary in other European monarchies, it is quite rare for the Spanish Royals to release images, making these seven photographs (and a video) even more special. 

Casa de S.M. el Rey

The images are a mix of black and white and colour portraits, all of which were taken by the media team at the palace, and portray King Felipe alone in his office. 

Casa de S.M. el Rey

The office is a room that appears to be on the ground floor of Zarzuela Palace, King Felipe and Queen Letizia’s residence, and seems to face the gardens of the premises, bringing in a lot of natural light. 

Casa de S.M. el Rey

The room is the same that his predecessor, King Juan Carlos, used for the same purpose, making it a space full of history and significance – an element also brought on by the paintings and pictures on display. 

Casa de S.M. el Rey

The video is a compilation of the moments that the pictures were taken, as evidenced by the camera noises that can be heard in it. For the shots, King Felipe posed at his desk, by the window and leaning against a table, both with papers and, in a symbol of the changing times, with his phone in his hand, seemingly intent on typing something. 

The images were released beforehand, as to spread the news over multiple days. The Spanish Royal Family (meaning King Felipe, Queen Letizia, Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofía) are indeed preparing for two days of events to mark the historic anniversary, which will include the handing out of honours, the inauguration of exhibitions and so much more, including joint events for the King’s daughters.