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European Royals

Two kings welcome Ukraine’s President Zelensky

Two kings have welcomed the Ukrainian President Volodymir Zelensky as he visited countries across Europe to looking for support in his country’s ongoing war with Russia. 

On Monday, 27th May, Mr Zelensky landed in Madrid, and was personally received by King Felipe at the steps of his airplane; this is not something that usually happens, and it was therefore a gesture charged with symbolism. 

King Felipe and Queen Letizia hosted President Zelensky at the Royal Palace in Madrid (Casa de S.M. el Rey)

After the traditional anthem playing and troop review at the State Pavilion of the International Airport Adolfo Suárez-Madrid Barajas, the two Heads of State were driven to the Royal Palace, where they were joined by Queen Letizia for a lunch. 

Before the meal, King Felipe offered a few words, in which he remarked in part: “It is an honour for me today to address those of you who keep defending the sovereignty, freedom and democracy of your country, Ukraine, in the face of Russia’s brutal armed aggression. For more than two years, the whole world is bearing witness to your heroism, the commitment, courage and resistance of the Ukrainian people, its government, and its Armed Forces”. 

He concluded by saying: “Mr President, know that Spain fully supports the objectives and principles of your Peace Plan, the only proposal based in the respect of international law and the United Nations Chart. […]. Together, Mr President, we will work tirelessly to achieve as soon as possible the peace that your people so deserve and need, so that all Ukrainian citizens can live safe and protected, without fear or threats. It is our ambition and our conviction”. 

After the lunch, King Felipe held a meeting with President Zelensky, with their respective delegations present; however, not much about the contents of this meeting have emerged, with the government announcing the signature of a bilateral defence agreement, but not the discussions that went into it.

The King of Spain holds talks with the President of Ukraine (Casa de S.M. el Rey)

The next day, on Tuesday 28th May, President Zelensky was in Belgium, to once again meet with government officials. there, he received the offer for 30 F-16 fighter jets from the Prime Minister, with the only caveat being that the aircraft should not be used outside Ukrainian airspace. 

During his visit, he also briefly met with King Philippe at Brussels’ Royal Palace, but once again no information about the contents of the meeting have been divulged to the public. 

The Belgian Royal Palace, however, did post pictures of the meeting on their social media, with the simple caption being also echoed in their Official Website’s agenda entry: “His Excellency Volodymyr Zelensky, President of Ukraine, has been welcomed for an audience at the Royal Palace. 

The Ukrainian Head of State also touched down in Portugal, before making his way back to Kyiv, where he has been based since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, on the 24th of February 2022.