Luvverly Jubbly – the Platinum party souvenirs on sale because they are wrong

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Written for Royal Central by Jess Ilse

Pour some bubbly, it’s The Queen’s ‘jubbly!’

At least, it is if you buy the misspelt Platinum Jubilee commemorative pieces that just hit the market.

Looking to capitalise on The Queen’s historic reign, Chinese manufacturers rushed through a series of teacups, mugs and plates that read “To commemorate the Platinum Jubbly of Queen Elizabeth II.” Now those pieces are being sold as a gag by Wholesale Clearance UK—all 10,800 of them.

“If you close your eyes, you can almost hear those immortal words from Britain’s favourite businessman ringing through the halls of Nelson Mandela House,” the Wholesale Clearance UK website states. “But in typical Only Fools manner, this isn’t exactly as expected!”

Only Horses and Fools was a British television series starring a character named Del Boy whose catchphrase was “Lovely jubbly” and was always cooking up money-making schemes.

“You will notice this is probably more at home on the shelf next to Peckham Spring as these are in fact celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubbly,” the website continues. “These are…as you say…the Creme de la Menthe! So if you are a fan of the Queen and Del Boy…two birds with one stone.”

Wholesale Clearance UK attempts to sweeten the deal to purchase these ‘jubbly’ items at bulk price—£32,400, if you feel like forking over the cash—by giving options on what you can do with these one-of-a-kind wares.

“Become an Only Fools and Horses fan and wow your friends with your Lovely Jubbly set!” They write. Or, “Take-up plate spinning as a hobby.”

“If you fancy owning a unique piece of Jubliee [sic] history or want to follow in Del’s footsteps and get stuck with 10,600 items of Platinum Jubbly stock, please use the ‘Buy It ASAP’ Button.”

The Chinese manufacturer understandably lost their original UK partner with the ‘Jubbly’ typo, but Wholesale Clearance UK finds the error funny.

“I think the online trader rejected the items pretty much straight away, but in hindsight, with the exposure it’s getting, they’re probably wishing they didn’t,” said Andy White, who works for the company, in an interview with the Press Association.

“Their loss will be someone else’s gain.”

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