It is now exactly three months until the Queen reaches her Platinum Jubilee.
On February 6th 2022, Her Majesty will have ruled for exactly seventy years, the first British Monarch to reach that milestone. She is expected to spend the day itself at Sandringham and that’s where she is as the four month countdown takes place. The Queen is understood to be staying at Wood Farm on the Norfolk estate, her first trip away from Windsor since being taken to hospital for ‘preliminary investigations’ after doctors advised her to rest.
Meanwhile, plans to celebrate her Jubilee continue to grow.
All The Queen’s Horses
Tickets went on sale this week for the Windsor Horse Show in May 2022 which will celebrate the Platinum Jubilee. It’s one of The Queen’s favourite annual events and in her special year, there be a special spectacle as the show comes to an end, marking the Jubilee. The Royal Windsor Horse Show is held in the private grounds of Windsor Castle and runs from May 12th to May 15th 2022. Tickets can be bought on the Royal Windsor Horse show website.
Telling the tale of the Jubilee
Meanwhile, the Royal Mint Museum is inviting children to tell the story of the Queen’s historic anniversary in their own words. Its annual writing competition is all about the Platinum Jubilee and it’s open to 8-11 year olds. Budding authors have to submit a story of 500 words all about the Jubilee. The winning entry will be published with professional illustrations while the top author will also win £5,000 worth of books and equipment for their school and a special silver coin for themselves. More information can be found on the Royal Mint Museum website and entries have to be in by December 3rd 2021.
An ever expanding canopy
Another week, another wave of trees taking root across the UK and the Commonwealth as planting for the Jubilee continues. Among the saplings celebrating The Queen was once planted by the Duchess of Cornwall as she visited St. Wilfred’s Hospice in Eastbourne during the week. Community groups, individuals and businesses are continuing to ‘plant a tree for the Jubilee’ to form a canopy that will provide a lasting legacy for The Queen’s historic reign.
There will be more Platinum Jubilee news next week.